Are Not Alone - Art
copyright 2005
look for signs that this peaceful
revolution, the Aquarian
Dawn will still occur,
that it is occurring. History is
made on many levels. There are little things, small
portents: yet from little things can grow major
changes. For look, this very day in October, Rosa
Parks lies in State, honored in the American Capitol
Rotunda. Her tiny act of conviction grew a million
and a million fold. This portends well for our
own hopes that change can be made from our efforts.
Please, friends, add to my list. We would like
to hear of what progress we are making.
Added Nov. 18, 2005
*) John Perkins, author of the
best selling, Confessions
of an Economic Hit Man describes
a pretty dismal picture of the US
led world economy. Yet he has the
outlook of hopeful expectation that
I look for. Quoted from the Sun magazine,
Sept. ’05:
I have come to
believe that we do have
an opportunity to reverse
our course. …we
are currently in a period
of great transformation, a
time when it is possible to
change consciousness. We have
the opportunity to honor the
earth more, to become more
compassionate, more just.
…in my work with corporate executives,
I haven’t met any I would call “evil”….They’re
stuck in one paradigm of thinking….The
only way to create change is to step out of the
old way of thinking.….What’s required
is a fundamental change in how we view the world
and in the values we transmit to our children….we’ll
have to get rid of this expectation of excessive
profit….I think we’re on the
verge of a huge shift in consciousness. People
are searching. I started the Dream Change
Coalition, a non-profit organization that
works with indigenous people around the world
to help them preserve their environment…
November 25, 2005
*) The sub-title of Dr. Paul Farmer's
book calls him, "a man who
would cure the world." Time
magazine (11-7-05), highlights the
work and lives of a varied group
of physicians: individuals who have
made it the purpose of their lives
to give service and help others.
Dr. Paul "America's most celebrated
doctor for the poor", built
in Haiti a showcase public health
system. Now with assistance from
the Clinton Foundation and his Partners
In Health, he is working in Rwanda.
A similar doctor in China Gui Xien has as a prize
possession a plaque that reads: To Gui--a role
model for helping people.
Note from Art: The eco-villages too would help
the world from the poorer side too. Create the
good life for the dispossessed, the seekers, the
ones who do not strive for the big personal mansion.
Here is an answer to where do all these saved
people go, what do they do? How do they enjoy
family and at the same time help achieve 0 population
*) New friend Joey Leone, from near Niagara NY,
shows the spiritual passion that we will need
to muster: "In many ways your book is not
only a glimpse into the past, but also a textbook
for the future. Many of the present generation,
myself included, who are deeply involved with
the Intentional Communities movement, Rainbow
Gatherings, etc. should be using your book as
a stepping-stone in creating their own dreams
and visions of community. No, we're not looking
to recreate or re-live the '60's. You and the
rest of those beautiful Brothers and Sisters already
did that for us. We want to nurture the seeds
of the values planted during that time and create
something beautiful for ourselves, our children
and Mother Earth."
From the author: Just a few hundred thousand more
like Mr. Joey and there's your revolution which
will change the face of the future.
*) New found friend John Shiflet
writes, Oct. 31, ’05:
I’d much rather see
a traveling caravan of Hippie
Buses going around the country
showing the advantages of sustainable
living, environmental awareness,
racial tolerance/humanitarianism,
and promoting the cause of Peace.
In my mind, the 1960’s
were the experimental years,
where workable solutions
for the ideals embraced
by the so-called Counter-culture
were developed. Now, four
decades later, those ideals
are still valid and are
more refined and bear the
marks of experience and
Added Nov. 4, 2005
*) I heard an ad on the AM radio – a
sweet voice asked what do you
wish for? An Italian vacation? a
wedding dress? Surprisingly then
she listed, “build
a school in a third world country.” Here
is this cultural, ethical change, taking place.
From dreams just for me to generosity toward
other people. A bumper sticker on a car reads: Share
More-Consume Less.
*) The August ’05 National
Geographic carried
a story about zip code 65760 and the East
Wind 75 member commune on 1000 acres in the
Ozarks. “East
Wind doesn’t work unless everyone pitches
in.” “ East Wind retains a counter
cultural allure, attracting a handful of new
members each year. They come because they’re
sick of life out there—the time sucking
commutes, endless bills, and a culture where
greasy take-out passes as diner.” “Deborah
laments the demise of the counterculture.
East Winders, though, keep on going.”
*) The Nation magazine
reports a story: Profits for Justice; It’s
time to pay for the revolution ourselves.
(1-24-05) “What’s truly
revolutionary about the Soho café (in
NYC) is that last year the business, along
with sister thrift shops, provided more than
$2 million to its parent non-profit, Housing
Works, one of the nation’s largest advocacy
groups for homeless people with AIDS.” “What
we are about is the business of changing the
entire paradigm…a
new paradigm based on sustainability and social
*) The Occidental Arts and
Ecology Center in Sonoma County sets
a fabulous example: on 80 acres they create
a home and gardens and extremely active center
for the intentional community movement. “Do
you dream of establishing a land-based intentional
community or education center? This course
is designed to help you activate that dream.”
“…seeking innovative and practical
approaches to the pressing environmental and
economic crisis of our day.” “…addresses
the challenges of creating democratic communities….” “The
members of Sowing Circle reside on the property,
sharing the responsibilities of communal life.” “…dedicated
to a …culture of right livelihood – one
that helps reverse current social and economic
patterns that create hyper-individualism,
consumerism and alienation from nature.”
*) Ditto for the FARM In
TENNESSEE, now in it’s
fifth decade! They are incredible. They are
the forefront. Albert Bates, one of the directors
writes, “It is on the shoulders
of the ecovillage pioneers that the dreams
we all have now rest – for
peace, security, prosperity, family, and happiness
into the coming generations of our children – whether
they, or we, recognize it yet.”
*) The Communities Magazine and
its tireless editor Diana Leafe Christian
provide the invaluable service of showcasing
the many communities, their triumphs and problems.
They deal with all the issues of cooperation,
decision making, finances, and who is doing
what. This movement is small but it is very
sophisticated and dealing with all the nitty
gritty aspects necessary for success.” “…the
ecovillage movement is too wide-reaching and
experimental to fit some tidy model….We
stand at the junction between two millennia….
The next one, still a mystery, must be more
conscientious and humane or we won’t
survive.” (Spring ’03)
*) The irrepressible and so spirited Embersglo
of the Morningstar family writes
in October ’05. “we
have all been living in bad times separated
from the Love and Peace we were feeling in
the sixties. But the times are indeed changin’,
and once again I feel back on the journey
of Love and Truth, connected to the Earth
and the People….”
“As to my dad, and my society, and Mr. Bush
and all his cronies, the way to love is not
through anger or fear. And if we love the world,
and humanity, we need to love them too. That’s
the hardest part, being all that is going on,
but our anger helps to increase their anger. We
need to try to understand that they are just poor
From the Author Art: This
is such an important aspect of this revolution.
Humans so love to hate, are so quick to anger.
The Aquarian spirit is as revolutionary for
the progressive segment as for any other.
That spirit doesn’t look
to accuse anyone. It finds good works to perform.
It doesn’t look for blame but for common
ground, which we have in abundance.
When the Pride family traveled the US in our
converted Wonder bread truck, the police would
stop us often, usually they were just curious.
Pepe would always greet them, “hello
and he meant it. He had only recently been
as straight as any of them. Our revolution
is extremely friendly.
This is so important. The action we want is
buying land, easing people’s burdens,
getting ready for harder, but in some ways,
better, times. This helps America, makes democracy
stronger, adds to everyone’s freedom,
and gives a hopeful approach to all our dilemmas.
The American public craves unity. We face
huge problems and don’t need an in-house
fight. Count our blessings; build on the freedom,
democracy and prosperity we have. Embrace
this energy and then the movement can blossom.
*) Sky Blue, member of the
Twin Oaks community in Virginia, writes
(Fall ’02), “I
find myself utterly committed, as stated in
the community’s Statement of Purpose,
to perpetuate and expand a society based on
cooperation, sharing, and equality.” “I
want to share my experience of community with
the world: I want to insert the new and improved
version of “communes” into
mainstream consciousness.”
*) These next words are from the Association
for the Creative Endeavor (ACE), the
sponsor of the Sonoma County Harmony Festival
and many other events: “Transformation
is the central principal…a
dramatic improvement from our current thinking,
feeling, behavior and results….to ensure
the success of our communities and humanity
as a whole.” “…we are inspired
to work toward achieving a sustainable world
that recognizes our interconnectedness.” “We
honor all spiritual paths and traditions,
and recognize the value of spiritual endeavor….” “We
aim to transcend the dominant mass media that
currently permeates our culture…and
to offer…alternative world views.” “ We
believe in transforming the world through
commitment and hard work, we also believe
in transforming the world through celebration.”
*) These uplifting ideas come across on the
radio sometimes. It is outstanding that dear
departed John Lennon still
speaks to us in his song Imagine which is
one of the most played songs of all times.
Also George Harrison sings
to us, “when
not so many people can see we’re all
the same.” “they can but hardly
see, that the beauty that surrounds us all
belongs to you and me.”
Singer Ben Harper shocked
me with the message in this song; “I can
change the world, with my own two hands. make
a better place, with my own two hands, make
a kinder place. I can make peace on earth with
my own two hands, I can clean up the earth,
I can reach out to you. I’m
gonna make it a brighter place, I’m
gonna make it a safer place, I’m gonna
help the human race.”
The Author adds: There’s our theme song.
To make sentiment into reality; share property.
The eco-villages provide a means of sharing
nature and the country life without destroying
it. All the land shouldn’t be divided
up into personal lots leaving the mass of
poor and journeying soul types no nice place
to visit and live. Here is where you introduce
the share the wealth ethic to further develop
our democracy.
*) I must mention the many Christian organizations,
like the Salvation Army,
or Redwood Gospel Mission, or Rick Warren’s
Saddleback Church. This
New Age group must match them for outreach
and devotion. Then we'll have a movement.
The eco-villages are indeed the live-in church
of the progressives.
*) Not to forget: The core fifteen acres of New
Buffalo with the central buildings is
going through a revival and remodeling with
the help of the good doctor Bob Fies, who
is a deep believer in the importance of the
Aquarian Dawn and its practical application.
This is a work in progress.
Links to other sites
of interest. |